Poultry By-Products Management

This unit specifies the competencies required to manage poultry by-products. It involves rendering poultry blood, managing poultry waste, and cleaning poultry processing area, tools and equipment.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

  1. Render poultry blood

  2. Manage poultry waste

  3. Clean poultry processing area, tools and equipment

Poultry Meat-Based Products Processing

This unit specifies the competencies required to produce poultry-based products. It involves shifting selected poultry meat for processing, identifying processed poultry based products and packing and storing processed poultry products.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

  1. Shift selected poultry meat for processing

  2. Select processed poultry meat based products

  3. Pack and store processed poultry products

Pre-Slaughter Handling

This addresses the competencies required to perform pre-slaughter handling. It involves receiving and weighing poultry for slaughter, managing poultry stress, cleaning and stacking catching crates as well as preparing for live poultry collection.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

  1. Receive and weigh poultry for slaughter

  2. Manage poultry stress

  3. Clean and stack catching crates

  4. Prepare for live poultry collection

Hatched Chicks Handling copy 1

This course addresses the competencies required to handle hatched chicks. It involves chick sexing, trimming chick beaks, monitoring of health, chick packaging, management of unwanted chicks; implementation of hatchery biosecurity measures, and entry of hatchery records.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

  1. Perform chick sexing

  2. Trim chick beaks

  3. Monitor chick health

  4. Package poultry chicks

  5. Manage unwanted chicks

  6. Implement hatchery biosecurity measures

  7. Maintain hatchery records

Poultry Eggs Hatching

This course addresses the competencies required to hatch poultry eggs. It involves setting poultry eggs, monitoring egg hatching, transfer of hatched chicks and entry of hatchery records.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

  1. Set poultry eggs

  2. Monitor egg hatching

  3. Transfer hatched chicks

  4. Enter hatchery records

Handling of Hatching Eggs

This unit specifies the competencies required to handle eggs for hatching. It involves grading hatching eggs, storage of fumigated eggs and entry of hatchery records.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

  1. Grade eggs for hatching

  2. Store fumigated eggs

  3. Enter hatchery records

Broody Hen Management

This course addresses the competencies required to manage broody hen. It involves preparing to incubate eggs, performing natural egg incubation, feeding the broody hen, and controlling chicken vermin and predators.

Summary of Learning Outcomes

  1. Prepare to incubate eggs

  2. Perform natural egg incubation

  3. Feed broody hen

  4. Control chicken vermin.

  5. Control chicken predators.

Broiler Finishers Management
This unit specifies the competencies required to manage broiler finishers. It involves managing the broiler house micro climate, feeding broiler finishers, maintaining broiler house hygiene, maintaining suitable litter condition, managing broiler health, monitoring broiler performance, managing broiler poultry dispatch, sanitizing poultry house and equipment, and maintaining poultry records.
Broiler Chick Brooding Management

This unit specifies the competencies required to brood broiler chicks. It involves preparing achick  brooder, feeding brooding chicks, managing brooder house micro climate, maintaining brooder hygiene, performing chick vaccination, controlling poultry vermin, controlling poultry predators and monitoring chick performance.